Minor Finnish tactical store

NEW! Deliveries to Åland and Sweden have been opened!

-30% SALE

R.A.T. GEAR-label tactical pouches and holders -30% off
Offers valid until 23.02.2025
(very limited quantities)


We have opened deliveries to Sweden.
You can now order our products to the nearest PostNord pickup point in Sweden.
Get acquainted with our delivery terms here and our return terms here.
Free shipping to the nearest PostNord pickup point for orders over 200 euros!


💥Välkomna Åland💥 Vi har lagt till möjligheten att beställa våra produkter till Åland till en hämtplats i Mariehamn (Transmar Vikingagatan 6, 22100 Mariehamn)
🔥Momsfria priser visas vid kassan när du byter land/region (Maa/alue) till Ahvenanmaa. Land/region val hålls kvar i de momsfria priserna på nätet tills du byter land/region tillbaka till Finland (Suomi), då momsbelastade priser återkommer🔥
Språken på nätten är nu finska och engelska
Tyvärr kommer det att ta lite längre tid att uppdatera de svenska sidorna eftersom det är en helt obehaglig mängd som behöver översättas och min svenska är lika bra som ett nyfött barn.
Följ oss på Facebook, Instagram och YouTube. Och glöm inte att prenumerera på nyhetsbrevet på våra webbsidor (Nyhetsskriften kommer att ge speciella erbjudanden under 2025 året) Rock on 👊

A gift to Finnish Nature

We annually donate 2% of the price of every product sold under our own R.A.T. GEAR Label brand to the Suomen Luonnonsuojeluliitto (Finnish Nature Conservation Union). The amount for 2024 was a modest 56 euros, partly due to the fact that we are a brand new company and only opened our online store in the second half of the year. We are continuing the tradition we have started and this year 2025 we will direct the donation to support the Baltic Sea through the Finnish Nature Conservation Union. Thank you to everyone who made the donation possible and have a great start to the year to everyone!

Read more about R.A.T. GEAR Label

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Finnish online store

Fully Finnish family business

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365 days

Time to return your purchase

The products we sell have a overwhelming 365-day right of return (does not apply to outlet products)

Learn more about our Return and warranty terms


Discontinued products, otherwise only individual pieces, like-new model pieces or products used in promos at throwaway price.

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Frequently Asked Questions and answers from our professional customer service.

If something else is bothering you and you can't sleep at night because of it, you can send us an email (info@rat-gear.com) 24/7 and we will answer as soon as possible or you can also call our customer service (050 3696690) on business days Mondays / Wednesdays / Fridays at 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.We aim to answer e-mails no later than the next business day (we only answer the stupidest things when it's really boring)


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Contact us

Can't sleep at nights? Are you awake all nights just thinking about aswers to questions that we could be answering to you?

Send us a message and we will answer you as soon as possible. We are also happy to receive feedback and suggestions for the development of our online store, our customer service, and our info and news sections. For example, what kind of products would you like in the online store or what topic would you like to read news about etc.

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